The evolution of the Ariane Fine Arts commenced 56 years ago when Jane and Peter G. Arnovick separately collected Jack Hooper, Selma Moskowitz, and Jan Stussy. Jane Davis (AKA) Arnovick collected Jack Hooper in 1962. Peter G. Arnovick collected Jack Hooper, Selma Moskowitz and Jan Stussy in 1960. Jane and Peter met at the Sabrina Gallery in Hollywood in 1965. Jack Hooper introduced them to one another and 3 months later they married. It was love at first sight. We tell people that we married one another for the Jack Hooper collection that we had at that time. From 1965 to 2012 we collected most of the Hooper paintings totaling approximately 5000. To say the least, Hooper was prolific. Our collection included paintings from the early 1950's when Jack Hooper was living in Paris.



As the collection grew and grew, in 1971 we decided to build a 2000 sq. foot building in the back of our home in Los Altos, California. At present we have four 15-drawer file cabinets with thousands of paintings and drawings, plus over 500 framed works. To say the least, our homes and the homes of our children have about 50 Hooper paintings.


There are a handful of people in the United States that have collected Jack Hooper. One party has over 50 paintings not for sale. You could call them collectors of Jack Hooper.


Jack Hooper died in 2014. Peter G. Arnovick died in 2015. As best friends for all those years, may they rest in peace knowing that they are once again together.